Days on Earth

The Twinship of the “I” :

1. character :

I represent difference. :) Not sides or permanence in arguments.

I represent Disturbance in calmness – the rational or irrationality.

I represent :) change with or without change. I represent confrontation with or without action.

I represent :) longings and rest. Calmness and tests.

I represent :) immortality without the precondition .

I represent outside time inside time.

I represent being and not being . :)

Edited with smileys. It meant a lot.

2. Character

Represent difference.Not sides or permanence in arguments.

Represent Disturbance in calmness – the rational or irrationality.

Represent change with or without change. Represent confrontation with or without action.

Represent longings and rest. Calmness and tests.

Represent immortality without the precondition .

Represent outside time inside time.

Represent being and not being.

Ego. The everlasting always present, morphing reality of a human being.